A free team projects and task manager!
Plan19 uses kanban style boards, lists, and cards to make it easier than ever for you and your teams to keep track of all your projects and tasks.
And then you can flip them to see everything in GANTT style and keep track of progress and start/due dates!
Sign up is free, no credit card required! At some point in the future – if Plan19 becomes popular – I’ll be creating a premium edition. You’ll always have the option to stay on this free edition though!
Plan19 came out of my own personal needs for managing multiple software and consulting projects with multiple clients and project teams. I needed a simple way to create tasks with due dates, keep them all organized, and get a visual big picture on a Gantt timeline! Great! that addressed my own organizing needs, but then I recognized that each team member would have their own organization needs too. I might have a single card representing a project, but my teammate might want to represent that as a Board and do further task breakout. Because I needed team management too, I needed to be able to assign tasks to my team members from my project boards. Now it got complicated! Team members would need to see their own boards ,lists, and cards, plus any cards that are assigned to them from my boards! Just then it occurred to me that peer team members would also want to assign Cards from their boards to their team members, and possibly to people outside their team, including external consultants, vendors, partners, and specialists. It sounds really messy! But project management isn’t easy! That’s what I felt made most sense. Each user can see their own boards, lists, and cards, PLUS any other members’ cards that are assigned to them!
As of launch, July 11, 2021, Plan19 is designed for laptop/desktop. Web access by mobile device is limited, while we’re working on an app interface.
Plan19 is also eating my own dogfood! I developed it using lowcode tools in just a few days using PHPRunner, one of the best data driven application development tools around!
It works for me, and I hope it helps you and your teams too! Drop me a note support@plan19.com and let me know how it works for you.
oh… and why “Plan19”? LOL! perhaps a tip of the hat to the classic ‘Plan9 from Outer Space’? Maybe that software project plans can be so fluid that no sooner did I have a plan, it went through many iterations? Or maybe it was just a catchy name and the dot-com domain was available.